Please noote that the PMW is now permanently closed. For any classes and bench rentals please go to Leith Jewellery Studios
Becoming one of our makers in residence couldn’t be easier. We have a variety of different benches available for everyone. Just make an appointment to see us by email or our contact heading and we’ll show you around to see what suits you best. There are a number of different benches and studios to rent, ranging from as little as £58 month and bench sharing is permitted in some studios to help save the pennies. We do have a minimum of 3 months before you can terminate your contract on your bench share, then a full month notice.
Main Workshop - Bench share £58 month. Whole bench £90 month - FULL
Studio 1 - Bench share £74 month. Whole bench £114 month - FULL
Studio 2 - Bench share £105 month. Whole bench £162 month - FULL
Please contact us to be put on our waiting list if your preference is currently unavailable via our contact page

Main Workshop - class

Main Workshop - bench space

Main Workshop - Tools

Studio 1 - Bench space
Studio 2 - Jewellers bench
Studio 3 - Jewellers bench
Studio 4 - Jewellers bench
Studio 2 - Jewellers bench
Studio 2 - Jewellers bench
Main workshop - makers benches
Mian Workshop - Class benches

Studio 1 - Jewellers benches
Studio 1 - Jewellers bench
Main Workshop - Jewellers bench
Studio 1 - Jewellers benches
Studio 1 - Jewellers bench

Main Workshop - Draw bench
Studio 2 - jewellers bench

Main Workshop - Metal pour (silver)
Studio 1 - Jewellers bench

Main Workshop - Rolling mill
Studio 1 - Jewellers bench

Main Workshop - Soldering

Main Workshop - texturing hammers

Main workshop - class benches

Main Workshop - tools

Main Workshop - Drill